Tailoring Unit to provide training to women from nearby settlements is the day at TNF Center building from the year 2005. Fifty women are getting training in Tailoring every year. The women trainers come from Kilpauk and nearby areas up to 10 kms distance.
- Since beginning almost 600 women have been trained.
- The trained women earn regular through stitching garments at home for their family members and neighbours
- The women are looking for bulk orders
- The trained women make use of their training only if they are given Sewing Machines
- Power machines and Embroidery machines also have been introduced in the Center to upgrade the skills
Tailoring Center -Perumbakkam
After the flood in December 2015 in Chennai, Tamilnadu Slum clearance Board allotted houses at Ezhilnagar Perumbakkam to nearly 4000 families affected by floods. These families were living from Adyar to Saidapet area on the banks of both Adyar & Coovam river.
- The families were given all the facilities such as house with water, Electricity facility. But there is no employment opportunity
- TNF is one among the handful of NGOs who entered in to Perumbakkam area in March 2016.
- TNF was a allotted a house by Tamilnadu Slum Clearance Board to conduct Tailoring Course.
- TNF has trained 5 batches of women till December 2018 Nearly 100 women have been trained by TNF
The trained women are earning a minimum of Rs 1000 to Rs 2000/ in a month by stitching Children and women wear.